50 Mental Health Quotes by Famous People

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mental health quotes

Mental Health Quotes by Famous People

1.      “If we start being honest about our pain, our anger, and our shortcomings instead of pretending they don’t exist, then maybe we’ll leave the world a better place than we found it.” – Russell Wilson

2.      “Crazy isn’t being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It’s you or me amplified. If you ever told a lie and enjoyed it. If you ever wished you could be a child forever.” ― Susanna Kaysen, Girl,

3.      “Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increase the burden: It is easier to say “My tooth is aching” than to say “My heart is broken.” – C.S. Lewis

4.      “Because wherever I sat—on the deck of a ship or at a street cafĂ© in Paris or Bangkok—I would be sitting under the same glass bell jar, stewing in my own sour air.” ― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

5.      ”Sometimes our own needs and desires must be expressed, even at the expense of shattering the image others have created of us.” – Sean Wolfe

6.      “Self Care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you” – Katie Reed

7.      “Often it’s the deepest pain which empowers you to grow into your highest self.” – Karen Salmansohn

8.      “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” – Fred Rogers

9.      “I am tired of acting as though I have something to hide.”— Kay Redfield Jamison

10.  “My dark days made me stronger. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it.” — Emery Lord, When We Collided

11.  “Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.” – Bill Clinton

12.  “The best thing you could do is master the chaos in you. You are not thrown into the fire, you are the fire.” – Mama Indigo

13.  ”And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself because I could find no language to describe them in.” – Jane Austen

14.  “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” — Albus Dumbledore

15.  “Learning to love yourself is like learning to walk—essential, life-changing, and the only way to stand tall.” – Vironika Tugaleva

16.  “In the middle of winter I at last discovered that there was in me an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus

17.  “Give yourself a break. Stop beating yourself up!. Everyone makes mistakes, has setbacks and failures. You don’t come with a book on how to get it right all the time. You will fail sometimes, not because you planned to, but simply because you’re human. Failure is a part of creating a great life.” – Les Brown

18.  “The pain of severe depression is quite unimaginable to those who have not suffered it, and it kills in many instances because its anguish can no longer be borne. The prevention of many suicides will continue to be hindered until there is a general awareness of the nature of this pain.” ― William Styron, Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness

19.  “She overcame everything that was meant to destroy her.” – Sylvester McNutt

20.  “It’s my experience that people are a lot more sympathetic if they can see you hurting, and for the millionth time in my life I wish for measles or smallpox or some other easily understood disease just to make it easier on me and also on them.” ― Jennifer Niven, All the Bright Places

21.  “Turn your demons into art, your shadow into a friend, your fear into fuel, your failures into teachers, your weaknesses into reasons to keep fighting. Don’t waste your pain. Recycle your heart.” – Andrea Balt

22.  “There is such an extreme stigma about mental health issues, and I can’t make heads or tails of why it exists. Anxietyand depression are impervious to accolades or achievements. Anyone can be affected, despite their level of success or their place on the food chain. In fact, there is a good chance you know someone who is struggling with it since nearly 20% of American adults face some form of mental illness in their lifetime. So why aren’t we talking about it?” — Kristen Bell

23.  “I think it’s really important to de-stigmatize mental illness in any form. I think there’s a lot of people that are carrying around guilt and shame and baggage for sh** that doesn’t matter. Everybody is going through something, everybody has had something that they’ve had to overcome.”— Mary Lambert

24.  “The problem with the stigma around mental health is really about the stories that we tell ourselves as a society.” – Matthew Quick

25.  “Be confused, it’s where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal. Be frustrated, it’s where you start to make more authentic decisions. Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart’s wisdom through it. Be whatever you are right now. No more hinding. You are worthy, always.” – C. Lourie

26.  “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.” – Joubert Botha

27.  “Mental health needs a great deal of attention. It’s the final taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with.” – Adam Ant

28.  “Some days I am more wolf than woman, and I am still learning how to stop apologizing for my wild.” – Nikita Gill

29.  “That’s the stigma, because, unfortunately, we live in a world where if you break your arm, everyone runs over to sign your cast, but if you tell people you’re depressed, everyone runs the other way. That’s the stigma. We are so, so, so accepting of any body part breaking down, other than our brains. And that’s ignorance. That’s pure ignorance. And that ignorance has created a world that doesn’t understand depression, that doesn’t understand mental health.” — Kevin Bree

30.  “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” – Elisabeth KĂĽbler-Ross

31.  “I had people saying ‘It’s all in your head.’ Do you honestly think I want to feel this way?” — Sonia Estrada

32.  “Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t so.” – Lemony Snicket

33.  “Stress, anxiety, and depression are caused when we are living to please others.” – Paulo Cohelo

34.  “One small crack does not mean that you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart.” – Linda Poindexter

35.  “Health does not always come from medicine. Most of the time, it comes from peace of mind, peace in the heart, peace in the soul. It comes from laughter and love.” — Unknown

36.  “I cannot stand the words “Get over it”. All of us are under such pressure to put our problems in the past tense. Slow down. Don’t allow other to hurry your healing. It is a process, one that may take years, occasionally, even a lifetime – and that’s OK.” – Beau Taplin

37.  “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” –Glenn Close

38.  “Sometimes self care is exercise and eating right. Sometimes it’s spending time with loved ones or taking a nap. And sometimes it’s watching an entire season of TV in one weekend while you lounge around in your pajamas. Whatever soothes your soul.” – Nanea Hoffman

39.  “Self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs are to a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness.” –  Louise Hart

40.  “Your illness is not your identity. Your chemistry is not your character.” — Pastor Rick Warren

41.  “Just because I’m having a bad day doesn’t mean I didn’t take my medicine.”  Sarah Howerton Kakkuri

42.  “Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Just some people are better at hiding it than others.” — Unknown

43.  “It’s up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.” ― Steve Maraboli

44.  ”You know when you’re in a bad dream and you’re trying to run, punch, kick, or screa and your body just won’t move? You open your mouth and nothing comes out. And You feel frozen or in slow motion, and no matter how hard you try to fight it, nothing changes. That’s how it feels to battle mental illness.” – Evyenia

45.  “I hide all my Scars with an ‘I’m fine.'” — Unknown

46.  “This feeling will pass. The fear is real but the danger is not.” ― Cammie McGovern

47.  “Emotional pain is not something that should be hidden away and never spoken about. There is truth in your pain, there is growth in your pain, but only if it’s first brought out into the open.”— Steve Aitchison

48.  “Everybody knows there is no such thing as normal. There is no black-and-white definition of normal. Normal is subjective. There’s only a messy, inconsistent, silly, hopeful version of how we feel most at home in our lives.” ― Tori Spelling

49.  “You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared and anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a negative person. It makes you human.” – Lori Deschene

50.  “Beautiful fake smile. All it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never notice how broken you really are.”— Robin Williams

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Mental Health Quotes By Psychologists

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Mental Health Quotes By Psychologists

Mental Health Quotes By Psychologists

The following quotes from Psychologists about Mental Health can assist you in getting a deeper understanding of your own mental state. We all know that having a healthy mental state is highly essential for one's overall mental well being and therefore it is very important to know all about Mental Health Quotes by Psychologists. A second opinion is always a good thing. Therefore, it is advisable to take the time to research all options and make a decision before making any final decisions. People nowadays are accustomed to accessing the information on the internet from varied sources, mainly in terms of gadgets, and thus as the name of this particular article is going to discuss Mental Health Quotes by Psychologists being your own best pillar of good mental health, being able to identify your authentic self within is one of your strongest assets.

There are several websites that provide free mental health quotes and the most common among these sites are the ones providing quotes by renowned psychologists and counselors. These psychologists and counselors are certified and trained by some of the best medical institutions in the world and their services are completely free for everyone to access and use at their convenience. This is why many people choose to use the services of psychologists or mental health quotes from psychologists instead of other resources.

The most important thing to note is that there are various types of these psychology quotes by psychologists, hence you should ensure that the one you are going to access is appropriate for you. The type of personality you have will affect your mental health. This is why these psychics offer free psychological quotes. These websites offer free information and can help you get the details that you need. In the end, it all boils down to how comfortable you are with the answers that you get from these professionals, this is where these psychic websites would be very useful. You could use the information you obtain from these websites in improving your own life.

“Becoming is better than being.” –Carol S. Dweck 
“Genuine feelings cannot be produced, nor can they be eradicated… the body sticks to the facts.” –Alice Miller  
“Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it.” –Albert Schweitzer  
“It’s more selfless to act happy. It takes energy, generosity, and discipline to be unfailingly light-hearted. Yet everyone takes the happy person for granted.” –Gretchen Rubin  
“When we are open to new possibilities, we find them. Be open and skeptical of everything.” –Todd Kashdan  
“Compassion does not render people tearful idlers, moral weaklings, or passive onlookers; but individuals who will take on the pain of others, even when given the chance to skip out on such difficult action or in anonymous conditions.” –Dacher Keltner  
“Be content with what you have. Rejoice in how things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking the whole world belongs to you.” –Lao Tzu  
“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” –Carl G. Jung  
“The truth is, bad things don’t affect us as profoundly as we expect them to. That’s true of good things, too. We adapt very quickly to either.” –Daniel Gilbert  
“When we encounter an unexpected challenge of threat, the only way to save ourselves is to hold on tight to the people around us and not let go.” –Shawn Achor  
“Happiness is not out there for us to find. The reason that it’s not our there is that it’s inside us.” –Sonja Lyubomirsky  
“Every person on this earth is full of great possibilities that can be realized through imagination, effort, and perseverance.” –Scott Barry Kaufmann  
“The best way to find out whether you’re on the right path? Stop looking at the path.” –Marcus Buckingham  
“We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” –Virginia Satir  
“The highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about, nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived.” –Soren Kierkegaard  
“For happy people, time is ‘filled and planned.’ For unhappy people, time is unfilled, open and uncommitted; they postpone things and are inefficient.” –Michael Argyle 
“It is not primarily our physical selves that limit us but rather our mindset about our physical limits.” –Ellen J. Langer  
“Probably the biggest insight… is that happiness is not just a place, but also a process. Happiness is an ongoing process of fresh challenges, and it takes the right attitudes and activities to continue to be happy.” –Ed Diener  
“We shouldn’t teach great books; we should teach a love of reading. Knowing the contents of a few works of literature is a trivial achievement. Being inclined to go on reading is a great achievement.” –B.F. Skinner  
“Everything can be taken from a man, but the last of the human freedoms: to choose one’s attitudes in any given set of circumstances.” –Viktor Frankl  
“If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you’ll be unhappy for the rest of your life.” –Abraham Maslow 
“If you want to be creative, stay in part a child, with the creativity and invention that characterizes children before they are deformed by adult society.” –Jean Piaget  
“We are what we are because we have been what we have been, and what is needed for solving the problems of human life and motives is not moral estimates but more knowledge.” –Sigmund Freud 
“Once you start making the effort to ‘wake yourself up’—that is, be more mindful in your activities—you suddenly start appreciating life a lot more.” –Robert Biswas-Diener  
“Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all.” –Erik Erikson

























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65 Celebrity Quotes on Mental Health

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quotes on mental health

65 Celebrity Quotes on Mental Health

Mental health is a concern for every individual. This article on mental health quotes will help you.
“The past 6 months have been incredibly hard for me. Sometimes it is too hard to cope with all the emotions I feel. But the problem has never been about sex or alcohol — it is underneath all that I am fully aware I have been at crisis point. No one knows myself better than I do, but I am deling with it”. - Mel B 
“I was just plunged into this black hole and I was cutting myself”. Willow stopped self harming 5 years ago. - William Smith
“I’m actually taking medication that seems to be pretty good.Finding the proper balance is what is most important”. She revelaled a 17 yr long battle with Bipolar disorder. - Mariah Carey
“I let it get to me that day. I wasn’t in a good place. And unfortunately I was going through a rough time and I let it get to me a little bit too much”. Liam spoke about how being in One Diredtion impacted his mental health and didn’t give him time to take stock and deal with his issue as they had such a hectic schedule. Always on to the next thing. Liam admitted he had been struggling to cope. - Liam Payne
“If anything, I’m proud to be bipolar and speak about it.I deal with mood swings, I deal with episodes of mania and bipolar-depression phases as well”. - Demi Lovato
“I think it’s important that people no longer look at mental illness as something taboo to talk about,” she said at the National Council for Behavioral Health in Washington DC. “It’s something that’s extremely common, one in five adults has a mental illness, so basically everyone is essentially connected to this problem and this epidemic. The problem with mental illness is people don’t look at it as a physical illness. When you think about it, the brain is actually the most complex organ in your body. We need to treat it like a physical illness and take it seriously.” - Demi Lovato
“I’m always terrified that something’s going to happen. And I’m not going to be able to do this anymore and it’s all going to end in one day”. Taylor Swift on anxiety. - Taylor Swift
“It’s difficult to describe depression to someone who’s never been there, because it’s not sadness”. - J.K.Rowling
I was a very, very anxious child and I had a lot of panic attacks”. - Emma Stone
“I just try to acknowledge that the scrutiny is stressful. So I’ve got to try to let it go, and try to be myself, and focus on important things, like picking up dog poop”. JL on her anxiety. - Jennifer Lawrence
“Now that I was famous, I was afraid I would never find somebody again to love me for me. I was afraid of making new friends. That’s when I decided I only have two choices: I can give up, or I can go on”. - Beyonce
“I think that there’s such a huge stigma over it [mental illness], that I hope we can get rid of, or help… I mean, people have diabetes or asthma and they have to take medication for it. But as soon as you have to take medication for your mind, there’s this instant stigma. Hopefully we’ve given those people hope, and made people realize that it’s not. Jennifer Lawrence
“I have social anxiety. When I’m off stage, I’m trying not to be a manic freak. I’m quite shy”. - Sia
“I learned that my sadness never destroyed what was great about me. You just have to go back to the greatness, find that one little thing that’s left. I’m lucky I found a glimmer stored away”. - Lady Gaga
“I have panic attacks, constant panicking. My heart feels like it is going to explode because I never feel like I’m going to deliver, ever”. - Adele
“I’ve suffered through depression and anxiety my entire life,” she said. “I just want these kids to know that … this modern thing, where everyone is feeling shallow and less connected? That’s not human,” - Lady Gaga
“So many people look at my depression as me being ungrateful, but that is not it. I can’t help it…There’s nothing worse than being fake happy. I had moments where I didn’t want to carry on living”. - Miley Cyrus
“I can slip in and out of [depression] quite easily, I had really bad postpartum depression after I had my son, and it frightened me,” she said. “I didn’t talk to anyone about it. I was very reluctant…Four of my friends felt the same way I did, and everyone was too embarrassed to talk about it.” - Adele
“I was so ashamed of how I felt because I had such a privileged upbringing,” she said on This Morning. “I’m very lucky. But I had depression. I had moments where I didn’t want to carry on living. But then the guilt of feeling that way and not being able to tell anyone because I shouldn’t feel that way just left me feeling blame and guilt. - Cara Delevigne
“It’s not just been one time that I felt really low. I have my own addictions that I struggle with, whether that’s love or substance or things like that, and it’s up and down… even attention, I get so much attention and that can become addiction.” - Katy Perry
‘I’ve got a disease in my head that wants to kill me.’ Referring to his battle with depression. - Robbie Williams
“If being sane is thinking there’s something wrong with being different, I’d rather be completely mental.” - Angelina Jolie
“I’m not a big proponent of happiness. I think it’s highly overrated. I think misery is underrated. There’s so much value in that. You can’t have one without the other”. - Brad Pitt
“The thing about depression is — and why people feel — well I feel a lot of shame is that there is nothing wrong with you on the outside. I mean you know you don’t have any lumps, or you don’t have any scars. You are not in a wheelchair. So people go “Come on, come on!” Especially in England they say “Stiff upper lip; snap out of it.” And you can’t. - Ruby Wax
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek”. - Barack Obama
“The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die”. - Juliette Lewis
“I have such debilitating anxiety because of everything going on that I literally wake up in the middle of the night with full-on panic attacks,” she told Cara Delevingne in an interview. “Where do I even start? Everything is so horrible, it’s hard to name one thing. I just think that the world needs so much love. I wish I had the power to send Cupid around the planet, as cheesy as that sounds. You go online and you see everyone saying the worst things to each other, and it’s hard to stay positive. It’s hard not to get eaten alive by all the negativity”. - Kendall Jenner
“I have a chemical imbalance that, in its most extreme state, will lead me to a mental hospital,” Carrie Fisher revealed to Diane Sawyer. “I used to think I was a drug addict, pure and simple — just someone who could not stop taking drugs willfully. And I was that. But it turns out that I am severely manic depressive. You can’t stop. It’s very painful. It’s raw. You know, it’s rough… your bones burn… when you’re not busy talking and trying to drown it out. - Carrie Fisher
“When I walked out of the studio after five years of working so hard, knowing I had been treated so disrespectfully for no other reason than I was gay, I just went into this deep, deep depression. It’s so corny but it’s true. You have no idea where the darkest times of your life might end, so you have to just keep going,” she explained. - Ellen Degeneres
"I had so much anxiety booking work, and I spent almost five months holed up in this bedroom in this house just feeling anxious, waiting for my next audition, and not doing anything else. It was the most miserable time of my life,” she told W Magazine. “I had had to quit a few jobs in North Carolina because of how anxious they made me. My anxiety was so bad that I had to keep quitting jobs because I physically could not work…I threw up in my Uber because, one, I was carsick, and two, I was having a panic attack. I get home, lock the door in my room, immediately Skype my mom and said, ‘Mom, I’m not okay.’ I felt like my world was crashing. I didn’t want to admit defeat, but I was like, ‘I need to come home. My mental health is suffering and it’s making me physically ill”. - Lili Reinhart
“I’m on Lexapro, and I’ll never get off of it,” she told Allure. “I’ve been on it since I was 19, so 11 years. I’m on the lowest dose. I don’t see the point of getting off of it. Whether it’s placebo or not, I don’t want to risk it. And what are you fighting against? Just the stigma of using a tool? A mental illness is a thing that people cast in a different category [from other illnesses], but I don’t think it is. It should be taken as seriously as anything else. You don’t see the mental illness: It’s not a mass; it’s not a cyst. But it’s there. Why do you need to prove it? If you can treat it, you can treat it”. - Amanda Seyfried
"It was just one dead end after another,” Nicki said of contemplating suicide. “At one point, I was, like, ‘What would happen if I just didn’t wake up?’ That’s how I felt. Like, ‘Maybe I should just take my life?" - Nikki Minaj
“You can’t pay enough money to cure that feeling of being broken and confused. It’s not like every day’s been great ever since,” she explained. “You have good days and bad days, and depression’s something that, y’know, is always with you”. - Winona Ryder
“OCD comes from a place of needing to feel safe… I had it growing up, having had a little bit of a tumultuous upbringing, moving around a lot with a mixed family with five kids”. - Olivia Munn
“I started having panic attacks, and the scariest part was it could be triggered by anything. I used to cover my face with a pillow whenever I had to walk outside from the car to the studio,” she wrote in an essay for Well+Good. “My new life as a pop star certainly wasn’t as glamorous as all my friends from home thought. Secretly, I was really struggling physically and emotionally.” - Ellie Goulding
“I’ve discovered that anxiety, panic attacks and depression can be side effects of lupus, which can present their own challenges,” she told People. “I want to be proactive and focus on maintaining my health and happiness and have decided that the best way forward is to take some time off […] I know I am not alone by sharing this, I hope others will be encouraged to address their own issues.” - Selena Gomez
“People use ‘panic attack’ very casually out here in Los Angeles,” she told Glamour. “But I don’t think most of them really know what it is. Every breath is labored. You are dying. You are going to die. It’s terrifying. And then when the attack is over, the depression is still there…I wouldn’t wish depression on anyone. But if you ever experience it, or are experiencing it right now, just know that on the other side, the little joys in life will be that much sweeter. The tough times, the days when you’re just a ball on the floor-they’ll pass. You’re playing the long game and life is totally worth it”. - Sarah Silverman
“I found it really frustrating that, even now that I was being upfront about what the issue was, some people still found reasons to doubt it. But that’s the industry. It’s an aspect of this job that I have to deal with, and I’m trying to accept it,” Zayn wrote in an excerpt of his book that was published by time. “The thing is, I love performing. I love the buzz. I don’t want to do any other job. That’s why my anxiety is so upsetting and difficult to explain. It’s this thing that swells up and blocks out your rational thought processes. Even when you know you want to do something, know that it will be good for you, that you’ll enjoy it when you’re doing it, the anxiety is telling you a different story. It’s a constant battle within yourself.” - Zayn Malik
“There’s nothing weak about struggling with mental illness,” she wrote in an essay for Motto. “For me, depression is not sadness. It’s not having a bad day and needing a hug. It gave me a complete and utter sense of isolation and loneliness. Its debilitation was all-consuming, and it shut down my mental circuit board. I felt worthless, like I had nothing to offer, like I was a failure. Now, after seeking help, I can see that those thoughts, of course, couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s important for me to be candid about this so people in a similar situation can realize that they are not worthless and that they do have something to offer. We all do”. - Kristin Bell
“I felt like a zombie. I couldn’t access my heart. I couldn’t access my emotions. I couldn’t connect,” she told Good Housekeeping. “I thought postpartum depression meant you were sobbing every single day and incapable of looking after a child,” she explains. “But there are different shades of it and depths of it, which is why I think it’s so important for women to talk about it. It was a trying time. I felt like a failure.” - Gwyneth Paltrow
“I say that publicly because I think it’s really important to take the stigma away from mental health,” she told Glamour. “My brain and my heart are really important to me. I don’t know why I wouldn’t seek help to have those things be as healthy as my teeth. I go to the dentist. So why wouldn’t I go to a shrink?” - Kerry Washington
“I was sitting in my car, and I knew the gas was coming when I had an image of my mother finding me,” told Parade magazine about contemplating suicide after her divorce. “She sacrificed so much for her children, and to end my life would be an incredibly selfish thing to do. It was all about a relationship. My sense of worth was so low”. - Halle Berry
“I used to struggle with anxiety pretty bad,” she wrote in a post on her app. “It only happened when I sang live, not when I danced or did any other live performances, and it stemmed from a bad experience I had while singing on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ in 2013. It wasn’t my best performance and I’ve never let myself live that down. I had mad anxiety ever since that.” - Zendaya
“I’ve spent most of my life saying ‘I’m fine,’” Prince Harry said in an interview with The Telegraph journalist Bryony Gordon on her mental health podcast. “I can safely say that losing my mum at the age of 12 and therefore shutting down all of my emotions for the last 20 years has had a quite serious effect on not only my personal life but also my work as well…I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions.” - Prince Harry
“It’s very isolating. There’s a part of my brain that is telling me that you’re about to die, you either shut down, freeze or you run. The only thing I can do is go to bed.” He added: “There have been dreadful times where I’ve been suicidal and on the floor.” - Will Young
“Between ages 15 and 20, it was really intense. I was constantly anxious. I was kind of a control freak. If I didn’t know how something was going to turn out, I would make myself ill, or just be locked up or inhibited in a way that was really debilitating,” she said. “I’ve come out the other end not hardened but strong. I have an ability to persevere that I didn’t have before. It’s like when you fall on your face so hard and the next time, you’re like, Yeah, so? I’ve fallen on my face before”. - Kristin Stewart
“I’m struggling just to get through the days. I think a lot of people are. This life can rip you apart. [I get depressed] all the time. And I feel isolated. You’re in your hotel room and there are fans all around, paparazzi following you everywhere, and it gets intense. When you can’t go anywhere or do anything alone you get depressed. I would not wish this upon anyone.” - Justin Bieber
“I had started losing my voice, I couldn’t sing at shows, and then I remember my manager finding me passed out on the floor in Malta or in the south of France. I thought, ‘I’m going to lose everything I love if I don’t love myself.’ … It’s sad to see how I wasted my life. I had such a great life on the outside, the [Pussycat] Dolls were on top of the world, but I was miserable on the inside. I’m never letting that happen again; you only get one life — I was 27 only once.” - Nicole Scherzinger
“Desperation will allow you to do incredible things in the name of survival…I had created an environment for myself, a way of living for myself which, on the outside, seemed incredibly gregarious and vivacious. “I don’ believe I have any chemical predisposition towards depression, but let’s just call it… I was suffering from a spiritual malady for years and I induldged it.” - Colin Farrell
“I never wanted to be as open about it as I was. I have a British stiff-upper-lip mentality. I’m not the kind of person who likes to shout out my personal issues from the rooftops but, with my bipolar becoming public, I hope fellow sufferers will know it is completely controllable. I hope I can help remove any stigma attached to it, and that those who don’t have it under control will seek help with all that is available to treat it. If I’ve helped anybody by discussing bipolar or depression, that’s great.” - Catherine Zeta-Jones
“One night, I got upset because Wayne (Bridge, her husband) hadn’t bought the right yoghurts; I managed to convince myself that he didn’t know me at all. It set off this spiral of negative thinking — that if I disappeared, it wouldn’t matter to anyone. In fact, it would make everybody’s life easier. I felt that I was worthless, that I was ugly, that I didn’t deserve anything.”
It lead To Frankie going to hospital to get treatment and helped her get it under control.
She added: “Nine times out of ten, my depression is under control. I get a bit emotional to think I felt so low about myself, that I shouldn’t be around people I love, because I can’t make them happy. I did lose myself, but I feel like me again now.” - Frankie Bridge
“It’s something a lot of women experience. When [you hear] about postpartum depression you think it’s ‘I feel negative feelings towards my child, I want to hurt my child. I’ve never, ever had those feelings. Some women do. But you don’t realise how broad of a spectrum you can really experience that on. It’s something that needs to be talked about. Women need to know that they’re not alone, and that it does heal.”
She continued: “It’s something that’s completely uncontrollable. It’s really painful and it’s really scary and women need a lot of support. There’s a lot of misunderstanding. There’s a lot of people out there that think it’s not real, that it’s not true, that it’s something that’s made up in their minds, that ‘Oh, it’s hormones.’ They brush it off.” - Hayden Panettiere
“I’ve got this Obsessive Compulsive Disorder where I have to have everything in a straight line or everything has to be in pairs. I’ll put my Pepsi cans in the fridge and if there’s one too many then I’ll put it in another cupboard somewhere.
The father of four added: “I’ll go into a hotel room. Before I can relax I have to move all the leaflets and all the books and put them in a drawer. Everything has to be perfect.” - David Beckham
“I had a nervous breakdown when I was 17 or 18, when I had to go and work with Marky Mark and Herb Ritts. It didn’t feel like me at all. I felt really bad about straddling this buff guy. I didn’t like it. I couldn’t get out of bed for two weeks. I thought I was going to die.” - Kate Moss
“I think my first bout [of depression]of that was when I was doing Me and My Girl, funnily enough. I really didn’t change my clothes or answer the phone, but went into the theatre every night and was cheerful and sang the Lambeth Walk. That’s what actors do. But I think that was my first bout with an actual clinical depression. The 55-year-old admitted it was work that helped her get better and also meeting her husband, Greg Wise on set of Sense and Sensibility. She said: “The only thing I could do was write. I used to crawl from the bedroom to the computer and just sit and write, and then I was alright, because I was not present. “Sense and Sensibility really saved me from going under, I think, in a very nasty way.” - Emma Thompson
“When I was 15, I was nearly 14 stone. I was uncomfortable and self-conscious. I knew I wanted to be an actress and was big. Over a year I sensibly got down to 10 stone. Then I became addicted to losing weight and went too far. I was never anorexic or bulimic." - Kate Winslet
“I went through a three-month experimental laxative time, which was absolutely awful. Luckily I was strong enough to be able to say to myself, ‘What are you doing? You are just really hungry.’ The whole weight thing drives me crazy. This stuff is so important to me because I have been there and know what a vicious cycle it is.” - Kate Winslet
“I really had a fear that I was going to die at 25. And half yes, because no matter how dark shit got, I always had a sense that there should be goodness. I never went all the way into darkness. There were so many things I could have done that would have pushed me over the edge and I just knew not to go there.” - Drew Barrymore
“When I was first diagnosed with ADHD, it wasn’t a surprise because I had difficulty in high school focusing. And I think now, people notice my ADHD as an adult on a daily basis. When I can’t pay attention, I really can’t pay attention.” - Adam Levine
“I’ve always tried to be a crusader for loving yourself, but I’d been finding it harder and harder to do personally. I felt like part of my job was to be as skinny as possible, and to make that happen, I had been abusing my body. I just wasn’t giving it the energy it needed to keep me healthy and strong. My brain told me to just suck it up and press on, but in my heart I knew that something had to change. So I made the decision to practice what I preach. I put my career on hold and sought treatment. I had to learn to treat my body with respect.” - Kesha
"At my lowest point, I was [suffering from] chemically induced psychosis and dementia. I was hallucinating on a daily basis. It took a year after getting off that drug for the chemicals in my brain to settle so that I stopped seeing things. I’d just be sitting there, seeing a random bee or bunny”. - Fergie
“Mental health is so important man,” the 19-year-old musician tweeted. “I’m not feeling the best rn and my anxiety is super bad, love u guys.” - Khalid
"In a September interview promoting his upcoming book, “Pope Francis: Politics and Society,” Pope Francis spoke about going to therapy. He said in the 1970s, he visited a psychoanalyst once a week for six months to help him “clarify things.” He also said seeing a therapist helped him a lot and made him “feel free.” His words were important in normalizing conversations surrounding mental health in the Christian community." - Pope Francis
“It feels like a low level of despair that you’re in. You’re not getting any answers but you’re living okay and smiling at the office…but it’s a low level of despair.” - Jim Carrey
“Jim Carrey was one of the first comedians that described the beast that many of us face in this room and that’s depression,” Noah said in his acceptance speech. “I didn’t know what that thing was. I just thought I liked sleeping for weeks on end sometimes." - Trevor Noah
“I panic in front of all the cameras. My hands start shaking and I have trouble breathing. Tom would always whisper to me that everything was all right.” - Nicole Kidman
“I actually remember driving along Mulholland Drive thinking, ‘I’ll just takea right turn here. Maybe I’ll just go over the cliff, because I can’t take it any more.’ But I never had the guts to actually quit. My friend Nicole (Kidman) would tell me, ‘All it takes is one film.’ And that film turned out to be Mulholland Drive It was a life saver because I was about to be evicted from my L.A. apartment.” - Naomi Watts
“Depression is never taken seriously enough….You don’t know what it is until you have it…..there is no color,taste, or joy…..there is no reason”. - Robin Williams
“I found that, with depression, one of the most important things you could realize is that you’re not alone,” Johnson said during an episode of Oprah’s Master Class on the OWN network. “You’re not the first to go through it; you’re not going to be the last to go through it … I wish I had someone at that time who could just pull me aside and [say], ‘Hey, it’s gonna be okay. It’ll be okay.’ So I wish I knew that.” - Dwayne Johnson
“I think mental health is an area where people are embarrassed… They don’t want to talk about it because somehow they feel they’re a failure as a parent or, you know, they’re embarrassed for their child or they want to protect their child, lots of very good reasons, but mental health I feel is something that you have to talk about. That time from 15 to 16 to your mid- to late 20s — you look grown-up, people think you’re grown-up, but you’re still a kid.” - Anna Wintour

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